Date: 10/30/2019

Author: 친환경건축연구센터

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The Derivation of Cooling Set-Point Temperature in an HVAC System, Considering Mean Radiant Temperature

구분: 게재 국내/국외, SCI(E)/일반 학술지 구분:? 국제학술지(SCIE) 학술회의/학술지명: SUSTAINABILITY 논문제목:The Derivation of Cooling Set-Point Temperature in an HVAC System, Considering Mean Radiant Temperature 게제일 : 2019.09.30 주저자명 : 한진목 게재링크 : 논문파일 다운로드: sustainability-11-05417   Abstract Heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems usually have a set-point temperature control feature that uses the indoor dry-bulb temperature to control the indoor environment. However, an incorrect set-point temperature can reduce thermal comfort…

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